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Horus Heresy: Iron Warriors Armoured Spearhead

Horus Heresy: Iron Warriors Armoured Spearhead

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First unit complete

Tutoring 1
Skill 9
Idea 8
First unit complete

To try to give myself some accountability to get this project done I thought I’d post up some updates of my progress. In time I’ll put up a post regarding the background and the basic force plane but for now I’m just happy that the first unit is complete.

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Fithgodsmotemage Recent comment authors
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Very cool and vibrant painting with a crisp finish. Love the glossy black shoulder pads and the clean, well highlighted armour. The basing material is a little understated but I think that is good: too many people over weather Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists to cover up bad paint jobs. Not a fan of doing chevrons as they are difficult but they came out very well on the rhino.

I do think the rims on the infantry could be different, they look too similar to the shoulder pad. Maybe a dark brown like Dryad Bark or Rhinox Hide?

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