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Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

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Test Strip

Tutoring 2
Skill 0
Idea 0
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After a couple of days soaking in Simple Green it’s time to see what happened…

Towel please!Towel please!

Here’s our brave volunteer fresh from his bath and the first good news is that he hasn’t dissolved into a blob of plastic residue.

But what about the paint…


After a few minutes vigorous scrubbing with an old tooth brush and a scrape with a toothpick you can see he has cleaned up pretty well.

Now there’s a few caveats that I would like to add at this point:

Normally I let thinks soak for a week or more and this was only 2 days.

I went at him quite vigorously with the toothbrush hence why I pulled his arms and other sticky out bits off. The Simple Green didn’t do that I did. The reason is simple enough. This test was to check if the paint would come off (it does) and if the mini would melt (it didn’t) but I wasn’t worried about the exact condition of our volunteer as he is only going to be around long enough to try a test paint scheme (but don’t tell him that as he thinks he’s going on vacation soon!).

I should also mention that he was undercoated with Vallejo primer, painted with Vallejo paints and, if I recall correctly, finished with a coat of Testers Dullcoat from a rattle can.

Next week I shall be away for a few days so what I am going to do, now I know things aren’t going to melt, is place all the minis I want to fully strip in to soak for a good week.

That should ensure the final scrub will be even easier than this one.

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