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Photo Reference Resource including images of China

Photo Reference Resource including images of China

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It’s going to take a while to get all the images into the project log as I’m having to resize them in Photoshop first.

Most of these buildings have disappeared in Modern China, sadly they’ve been bulldozed in the majority of towns and cities to make way for modern skyscrapers and tower flats, so it’s only places such as these movie/TV sets where you can still see reconstructed examples of ordinary period buildings.

My long term plan is to scratch build some copies of the building for future gaming set in Early 2oth Century China. I’ll create a separate project log once I start on that terrain.

I’ll continue on a regular basis to upload more images.

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warhammergrimaceSquirrellord Recent comment authors
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Love it mate, have you reached out to Joerg @thingsfromthebasement?
I don’t know if he’ll be able to help but I sent him a message and he said for you to get in touch when you got back.

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