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Dan's Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge

Dan's Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge

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I’ve not jumped on a hobby challenge before, but this one sounds like one I have to do.  Not so much to go gung-ho to win, but more that I am inspired by the spirit of the contest, and the fact that it might enable me to get something off the way-back-burner and get it done!  The only problem now is choice.  My hobby area is choc full of old ideas, unfinished plans, half-started projects, not started projects.  Time to choose….

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This will require some thought.  Some of the projects are a bit too big to take on in the timeframe.  For example cracking open Kingdom Death Monster and getting it ready for the table will remain my rainy day project for another (life)time.  This challenge seems to call for a project that is started and unfinished.  The Chaos Renegades spring to mind. I have no idea why I bought three boxes of Cadians but only one Renegade Militia conversion kit!  Pretty much useless for 40k at the present time, but a Kill Team would be perfect.  I’ve been swilling ideas around for a Blanchitsu style war band for some time now, and have enough kits and bits to do it.  Maybe this could be the project to finish…..especially as I’ve got all the new Kill Team stuff waiting to be used…..and Necromunda….and I fancy trying Inq28…seems like a good plan.  I will sleep on it and make a decision!

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zebraoutriderDan (@DarkDanegan)Elessar2590 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I vote for Inquisitor 28mm or Kill Team

Cult of Games Member

Go with Kill Team. You’ll find it far more engaging and enjoyable creating a small team of characters each with their own identity and role. If you have limited time due to life’s other pressures, then a Kill Team is realistic and unlike building an army… the end is in sight, which also motivates.

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