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Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor

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Hoplites, Hades, Achillies, Odysseus, Cerberus, Phoenix, and Giant Spiders

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 12
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…Painted all together because all those common colours.  It made sense at the time, and worked out fine.


The spiders got primed black only, and everyone else got a zenithal preshade.  Then the humans had their cloth colours airbrushed,the dog got his fur airbrushed and the bird had its yellow airbrushed.  Then everything was painted normally with common colours being painted together.  The spiders were a late addition to the mix as I was gluing mud to bases and they had to be cut off their or be buried.  As they were lose and small I wanted to rush them through to prevent losing them.  They took no real time or effort to paint too, which was nice.


New paint recipes etc



Primed black and then given a few coats of VGC 72.087 Violet Ink.  A dot of GW Xerus Purple was applied to each joint and the bumpy parts of the shell.  Everything was then given another coat of the ink and the eyes were picked out in P3 Necrotite Green.  Job done.  Five minutes work, with a lot more lost to drying time.


Achilles Leather

Based with 1:1 mix of ScaleColour Black(Dark?) Leather and ScaleColour Red Leather.  Then all but the deepest regions were painted with a 1:2 mix, and then less with just the Red Leather.  Then a 2:1 mix of Red Leather and ScaleColour Orange Leather.  Then a 1:2 mix of the two.  Then a 2:1 mix of Orange Leather and VMC Ivory was used to add wear and highlight to the edges.  A 1:1 mix was applied for the highest extreme highlights.

Cerberus Fur

Primed black and then given a zenithal coat of VMC German Grey.  VMC German Grey and VMC London Grey were them mixed and a targeted highlight was applied to any shoulders, heads and raised areas.  A little more London Grey was added and this was repeated.  I was going to apply GW Nuln Oil to the recesses only but I made the whole thing a little too light so it was all given a coat.  The fiery parts were then reclaimed with white primer and painted the same as the Phoenix, minus the soot.

Cerberus Toenails

Based with P3 Thornwood Green, washed with GW Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed with P3 Trollblood Highlight.

Hades Shield

Undercoated with any brown and then base coated with Darkstar Victorian Gold.  Victorian Gold was mixed with Darkstar Silver Verde and overbrushed across the surface.  Silver Verde was then applied to the glinty areas using a mix of drybrushing and regular brushing. Algenmoos Terrain wash and Dunkelschatten Terrain Wash from Handcraft Tabletop were then applied to add weathering.  The darker of the two was applied in random patches and left to dry.  Then a wash or two of the lighter was applied over the whole area.

Hades Skirt

Base coated with P3 Sanguine Base and then washed with a mix of Sanguine Base and p3 Exile Blue.  It then got a wash to the deep regions of the previous wash with a little P3 Coal Black added.  It was highlighted with P3 Sanguine highlight, and eventually Sanguine Highlight with a touch of P3 Menoth White Base.

Hades Hair

Base coated with VMC 70.869 Basalt Grey and then highlighted with P3 bastion Grey and then P3 Trollblood Highlighted

Hoplites Cloak

Based with a mix of 1:1 VMC 309 Periscopes and VGC 72.147 Heavy Black Green.  Then using the airbrush this was zenithally highlighted with the base coat with a little VMC 70.845 Sunny Skin Tone.  A futher zenithal highlight and brush edge highlight was applied by adding VMC 70.918 to the previous mix.  Finally, a wash was made from the Periscopes and applied to the recesses as a shade.

Odysseus Blue

Based with Hataka Dark Sea Blue.  This was them mixed 1:1 with Hataka Dark Blue and all but the deepest areas were painted.  Then a 1:2 mix was applied over slightly less, then just Dark Blue.  Then a 3:1 mix of Dark Blue and Hataka Gris Bleu Clar was applied over even less, then a 2:1 mix.  Finally just Gris Bleu Clair was applied to just the peaks and edges.

Odysseus Beard

Painted with P3 Trollblood Highlighted and washed carefully with GW Nuln Oil.

Phoenix Fire

This recipe is from AssetDrops July 18 box.  Firstly I undercoated white and then I painted the flames with Mr Paint’s Deep Yellow.  I then mixed this with a little Mr Paint’s Fire orange and painted over the yellow, avoiding the deeper recesses.  The next layer was just Fire Orange, again painting over the top but leaving a little of the previous layer showing.  Working further outwards and upwards, the next layer was a mix of Fire orange and Deep Red, and then just Deep Red.  The yellow recesses of fire were then given a wash of Coat D’Arms Yellow Ink Wash.  Once dry, the very deepest recesses were given a gentle glaze of white.  Finally, very little Kromlech Soot pigment was brushed dry on to the tips of the reddest areas

Giant SpidersGiant Spiders

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