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Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

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As I am going to be stripping several of these minis I first need to work out a safe and effective way of doing this.

Generally I prefer metal minis so in the past, when I need to strip a mini, I have used Simple Green


Simple GreenSimple Green

Simple Green is a US product that I picked up whilst on holiday and brought back home with me.

It works great on metal minis but I have never tried it with CMON’s plastics so its time to try this at home.

Here’s our volunteer

The VolunteerThe Volunteer

He’s an Ashmen Swordsman holding a banner but unfortunately for him the banner pole got damaged in a previous house moved so he has been volunteered to take a bath.

I first removed the based


Baseless VolunteerBaseless Volunteer

Then dropped him into an undiluted Simple Green bath and set it aside.

I’ll leave it a couple of days and see what happens to him.

Here’s a very exciting picture of our brave volunteer in his bath:


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Good luck with the cleaning, I tried denaturated ethanol and that worked rather well. Will be exciting to see how your bath works out!

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