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Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

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My final point - your input needed...

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2

So far I have selected:

  • Warlord – Longhorn
  • 3 Monsters
    • Hateforged Titan
    • Greathorn
    • Kor Kallum
  • 2 Creatures
    • 3 Pelegarth Brutes
    • 2 Arkazan Greatwings and Arkan Thesh
  • 1 Sorceror – Rathor

That comes to a total of 7 points and in Saga AoM you need 8 points.

So here is where I’d like your input. I can add another Rathor to have 2 Sorcerors or I can add 4 Ashmen Swordsmen as Hearthguard


House Nasier - Ashmen SwordsmenHouse Nasier - Ashmen Swordsmen

Comment below on which choice you would like me to go with.

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hazarddanleeSquirrellord Recent comment authors
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currently you have one creature too many the Pelegarth Brutes you can only have two in that unit for 1 point.
I would take the hearthguard you don’t have enough Saga dice generation in the list and will get kicked off the table as things stand.

Cult of Games Member

I’d probably go with the hearth guard to bulk out the army a bit.

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