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Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

Recycling WoK Nasier to Saga AoM The Other World

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Creature Feature

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
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Next on the list are Creatures.

The Otherworld allows two units of Creatures so I’ll be spending 2 points on 2 units then spend another 1 point on hearthguard to trade-in for another 2 creatures so I have 2 units of 3 creatures each.

My first set is 3 Bipedal Creatures and for this I am using 3 Pelegarth Brutes


Creature Feature

These guys need a lot of work and I may well decide to strip them rather than try to ‘up-paint’ them.

My second lot of Creatures are flyers – 2 Arkazan Greatwings fresh from the box and Arkan Thesh


Creature Feature

Arkan Thesh definitely needs a trip to the paint strippers!


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