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Titanicus - Legio Loki

Titanicus - Legio Loki

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#2: Questoris Knight Builds:

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Now I’ve talked up the titan I’m starting with some Questoris knights. Mainly because I thought they would be a quick build but I can’t believe just how many part there are on them. They aren’t complicated to build but when you consider they are about the same size a classic marine there are about twice as many parts. I made things a bit more complicated for myself by magnetising a few parts. I did the waist because I like to be able to alter the pose by twisting the body and it’s an easy thing to do. I also magnetised the weapon arms which again wasn’t really necessary because there are no spare weapons on the sprue. But my thinking is that the there are supposed to be some more weapon options coming in the future so it might not be a complete waste of time. One thing I would say if you are thinking of doing the same thing then drill the wholes for the magnets before you put the carapace armour on as access is much easier. I didn’t so it’s possible to add them later its just a lot more fiddly so why make life hard for yourself.

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