Titanicus - Legio Loki
#1: Introduction:
I just wanted to try and set the scene for this project so you can get an idea of what to expect and with a bit of look it will also keep me honest and stop me from straying to far from what I have planned. I’ve loved the idea of being able field Titans on the table top since they cam out but have only just got round to panting them. Part of the slow start was deciding what colour scheme to go with and as I’d been wanting to try an Alpha Legion style for some I decided to try it on these. Having lots of flat armour panels seemed to lend itself to this colour. So with the colour decided and a tentative link to the Alpha Legion I’ve decided to call my legion the Legio Loki. The thinking behind it is that they are something of sneaky legion always changing their approach so in game terms I can swap and change between the different legion traits for different games. I’m also going to paint up several different armour plates that can be swapped out for different games giving the Titans a different feel each time I field them. In fluff terms this would represent the Legio changing the look of their Titans to stop the enemy knowing their true strength and disposition.
I was going to start this a couple of weeks ago with the Warhound’ but I got a bit carried away and didn’t’ take enough work in progress pictures but it give you a good idea of what I want to do with the rest of the models. So that’s the intro and I’m hoping to keep plodding away at the rest with reasonably regular updates.
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