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Zarbag's Gitz paying it forward sort of

Zarbag's Gitz paying it forward sort of

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So I have my models... NOW FOR THE BOX OF SMUGNESS

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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So Now for the exciting part. The Box.

So I has a few ideas for this. I think someone was told this is everything you need to play. I now don’t think that’s right and you need dice or something. As I am writing this I can assure you I made no room for dice.

I designed the box without thinking of everything. I would always make sure if you are measuring something measure it the right way. I went ahead and measured the cards to sit vertically. and made the box to have them sit horizontally. DOH!

I wanted to make this the box to end all boxes. A lovely bit of bespoke gaming glamour. I failed in all accounts but it is functional.

I wanted to have a card holder and a place for the models to be protected. I also wanted something engraved on the box.

The box and card holder would be made in plywood and I wanted to try and laser cut felt so I found some.  to line the box.

I also thought when I found out you use dice in this game it would be good to have somewhere to roll them so I made the lid into a dice tray.

I wanted the models protected they will be sent to Ireland in the most disturbingly cheap way possible so it needs to hold up. I also wanted to try and laser cut some infinity foam (ironically) to fit the models into positions. But I am not as good as Battle Foam I found out.  So I got to work!

I designed the box first and cut them with a laser cutter. I felt as though I didn’t want any burn marks showing so all the joint parts were made 0.2mm longer so I could glue then sand later.  I made the holes oversize to take into account the 0.5mm thickness in felt for the inside and I wanted the lid to be snug so made a lip inside the box for the lid to friction fit onto.

Here is the very overcomplicated box but it took about 45 minutes. (an hour if you include my mistake)


Image of the plans. White is 3mm plywood, blue is 10mm packing foam and orange is 0.5mm black felt. Image of the plans. White is 3mm plywood, blue is 10mm packing foam and orange is 0.5mm black felt.
I then cut out the exterior box, assembled with PVA and superglue. Hand sanded a lot, like too much (i dont have an electric sander). Test fit the internals hence the blue tape and was happy as much as I can be. I then cut out the exterior box, assembled with PVA and superglue. Hand sanded a lot, like too much (i dont have an electric sander). Test fit the internals hence the blue tape and was happy as much as I can be.
This a more open view. Sorry it's also very old foam once destined for stippling. This a more open view. Sorry it's also very old foam once destined for stippling.

I then went ahead and didn’t take any other photo’s until done. The laser cutting of the felt was easy high speed and the only issue was shrinking.

I done lots of coats of gloss varnish that messed up a bit but hopefully not enough to annoy anyone but me. more bloody sanding in-between coats and failed coats. I left the inside of the box unfinished as a contrast and also for fit as I didn’t take into account varnish thickness.

I cut the foam with the laser something I was planning to buy a lot of foam for. I wont as I am unsure if it’s laser safe but the laser was only on for 20 seconds per cut times this by 3 for the 3 pieces. (also didn’t leave a very good finish)

I glued the felt down where possible with contact adhesive. Where not with PVA. as it was too fiddley.

I glued the foam down with Gerry’s favourite  UHU glue. I used off brand to not please him to much it’s called multi purpose glue.

I then smashed everything together with more UHU glue which it now as a satisfying chemical smell and took some photo’s

Box outsideBox outside
Box inside with lidBox inside with lid
Box completly openBox completly open
Models out on the dice trayModels out on the dice tray

So that’s it a short project. It is now packed and I realised I didn’t put in a letter. So just read above Gerry or OTT. I will be popping it in the post today.

Quite enjoyable more of a major prototype feel to it all. But Gerry does like hand crafted in his models so why not in his boxes.

The paint jobs are not the best but passible and better then yellow plastic.

Now I cant hide anymore I need to update a real project.

Hope someone enjoys it.

Now on thinking of this I should have created this project first and laser engraved the QR code for the project on the bottom so in years to come people could look back on this.


Oh well.


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I am very happy with the box of smugness, but when I opened it and I smelt a different type of contact adhesive to UHU it took the wind out of my sails a little, well played sir.
Well played.

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