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Civil War Campaign: Union

Civil War Campaign: Union

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Prelude to Burn's Farm

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Marshall on the LeftMarshall on the Left
Marshall on the LeftMarshall on the Left
The Two Maps were then MergedThe Two Maps were then Merged
Here we can see Captain Marshall Attacking the Rebels at a Farm that would Later become known as Here we can see Captain Marshall Attacking the Rebels at a Farm that would Later become known as "Burns Farm" as we will soon see

As the Union troops approached the Farm no one could tell them who owned the farm. It was apparently the property of a man now living in Texas who simply allowed tenants to live on it for rent and was a very distant landlord.

As the following report will show the farm became known by both sides as “Burns Farm”…..

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