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Act of Kindness

Act of Kindness

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Tutoring 4
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Idea 5
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Earlier last year I got a message from one of my colleges in the museum I work at in Nottingham. I’m the head of historical interpretation and costume so when a designer from GW popped in asking for help he was thrown my way. He was working on a mini which he couldn’t tell me about but he needed to look at coats from ww1. We dont have any in our collection but we do have trench coats from that time period and I happen to have an army coat from the 50’s that I let him have a look at and a navy officers coat. From this I deduced it would be a guard character of some sort and being a Kreig player I was hoping it would be that. Many months later the female commissar is released and I get a message of thanks for the help and the promise of a free mini. When I heard the miniature had sold out I thought I’d not see my free figure but true to his word one was dropped off at my work place. I’ll put up images of the coats that helped in the design later.

Put togetherPut together

I dont collect much GW stuff these days and the last time I approached a Bloodbowl team it was like putting a jigsaw together. I must admit I found her a bit fiddly ironic with the coat tails but she looks good.

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I look forward to seeing the coats that inspired her costume.

I managed to grab one of these but have yet to find time to assemble her.

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