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Old Witch's Dancing Hut

Old Witch's Dancing Hut

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A Tale of Two Towers

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10

So, with (the beginning of) the main structure in place, I started working on the  roof, to get a feeling for the general shape. I knew I wanted a high roof, providing the wall on one side of the hut, while stopping at the top of a (low) wall on the other side. I started with 2 sheets of styrene that I glued together at the right angle, with greenstuff to provide sturdiness.

As I told you, I really liked the little top of the original model, with the spinning planetarium on top of it. I wanted it higher though, so I built a tower to put on my model.  Some trimming to the front end of the roof made space for this astronomy tower. (drink a shot, Sam. 2 can play this game).

I really liked the first tower, but felt like the model needed a second one to balance it. And back in the concept phase, I really liked putting an onion tower on there. So here was my chance.

The dome started as a piece of thin plastic sheet, cut in a kind of flower form. When you bend the sides up and glue them together though, it ends up being a very cool dome. Some greenstuff to make shingles and some plasticard to finish it and presto, my dome was done!

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Cult of Games Member

The onion dome looks amazing, well done.

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