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A Saga of Glorantha

A Saga of Glorantha

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The Adventurers Assemble

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I am starting afresh on a project that has been attempted by me before but I never was fully happy with the models.

I have a couple of pieces from old project and a while ago I bought new figures from Hasslefree for some of my characters/adventurers.

This week I started work on them inspired by tomorrows release of the slipcase edition.

The one figure I still have from previous projects, I could never part with him, I love how the skin came out. The model is by Fenris Games ( I will be collecting three trolls from Fenris at SALUTE). I will be getting most of my creatures from Fenris when he relaunches them shortlyThe one figure I still have from previous projects, I could never part with him, I love how the skin came out. The model is by Fenris Games ( I will be collecting three trolls from Fenris at SALUTE). I will be getting most of my creatures from Fenris when he relaunches them shortly
Harrek the Beserk, Gunda the Guilty and Jar-El. I am really pleased how the bearskin came out (quite surprised as it looked bloody awful until I sculpted the fur) Harrek was always the figure I could not get right never had the presence. But this one has it in spades (Hasslefree as are all my adventurer models unless stated otherwise.Harrek the Beserk, Gunda the Guilty and Jar-El. I am really pleased how the bearskin came out (quite surprised as it looked bloody awful until I sculpted the fur) Harrek was always the figure I could not get right never had the presence. But this one has it in spades (Hasslefree as are all my adventurer models unless stated otherwise.
Storm Bull cultist, Fellissa, Hanufa and Griselda, the last three from the excellent Griselda short stories by Oliver Dickinson, they originally appeared in very early White Dwarf and are currently available in a collected edition from Chaosium Storm Bull cultist, Fellissa, Hanufa and Griselda, the last three from the excellent Griselda short stories by Oliver Dickinson, they originally appeared in very early White Dwarf and are currently available in a collected edition from Chaosium
A Dinosaur (found at work a discarded Schliech toy, I have just based him as am very happy with the factory paintjob, thinking of buying more of these) two druids/shamen ( Red Box Games) and a Duck ( Fenris Games)A Dinosaur (found at work a discarded Schliech toy, I have just based him as am very happy with the factory paintjob, thinking of buying more of these) two druids/shamen ( Red Box Games) and a Duck ( Fenris Games)
Another survivor from the old project never finished though I have just recently carried out a few repairs, painted the sail, just need to weather it all. I will try out Mel the Terrain Tutors wet washing technique.Another survivor from the old project never finished though I have just recently carried out a few repairs, painted the sail, just need to weather it all. I will try out Mel the Terrain Tutors wet washing technique.
The wolfshead (Fenris Games) added to the model. Harreks pirate ships had live wolfs head on the prow of their ships.The wolfshead (Fenris Games) added to the model. Harreks pirate ships had live wolfs head on the prow of their ships.
A hill/island made from insulating film (I will do a tutorial when I make some more) this one was a proof of concept.A hill/island made from insulating film (I will do a tutorial when I make some more) this one was a proof of concept.
Another view.Another view.

I have pre-ordered a copy of Mortal Gods and will be looking at the rules to see if they will work. If I don’t like them I am sure there will be elements that could inspire me. Plus I get a load of figures I can use as Lunars. For the Sartarites I will be using a mix of Foundry Ancient Germans and Thracians ( combining and converting some of them).

When I visit SALUTE this year I hope to purchase Saga and Fantasy Saga rules as I think these will be better suited to the stories I want to tell. I need to incorporate Rune Magic into game so will be looking at Mortal Gods and the battleboards to achieve this. Also hope to get some scenery.

I have made more progress tonight and will post update once all base coating is finished and will continue to update at each stage.


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Cult of Games Member

I do like the Glorantha setting. It was my first foray into RPG’S and still holds a fascination for me

Rapier Miniatures are starting to produce official Glorantha ranges in 6 and 28mm which might be of interest to you

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