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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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It's Mine, all Mine!

Tutoring 9
Skill 15
Idea 13
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From the Dungeon Crate I finished the first of three Mine Sets.  These are pretty straight forward and will work with my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles very nicely.  The tracks and cart are almost the same sizes.  Again, it’s the little details that bring the set to life.  The pick axe, the crystal, and the little pile of gold nuggets add to the mood of a setup.  I really like the broken track and with three sets of these I can see a long line with the unknown damage right in the middle or maybe the parallel track is out so choose wisely at the intersection.

All the tiny bitsAll the tiny bits
It's Mine, all Mine!
It's Mine, all Mine!
It's Mine, all Mine!
It's Mine, all Mine!
It's Mine, all Mine!
It's Mine, all Mine!
It's Mine, all Mine!

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