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Converting the Venomcrawler

Converting the Venomcrawler

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Removing the Gribbly Bits

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 14

Once I had everything kind of worked out, I wanted to get stuck straight in. I glued together the two halves of the Venomcrawler body and then started carefully carving off the Chaos stars from the armor plates. (I know it looks quite dangerous in the photo, but that was just one-handed to get the shot. I was very careful when carving).

Once I’d carved off the stars and daemonic faces and so on, I returned the armor plates to some semblance of smoothness by scraping the surface with the side of my knife blade (scraping away from me). While you might think this would have been very laborious, it definitely wasn’t. It took no more than 15 minutes to smooth down both sides.

In the final two photos you can see where I smoothed the plates down, removed the original daemonic face (and tongue), replaced the lower jaw from the faceplate and replaced it with an Armiger faceplate, and removed the trophies/fetishes from the spike rack (at this point it still isn’t glued on, to make it easier to manipulate later).

Next up, the Reforging!

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davetaylorDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This model would work great for a few games I play.

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