I love the smell of Prometheum in the morning
Part 5 – Painting the Base
The finished piece is set to be part of a desert themed board so the rocks were painted in a sandstone scheme to match some existing rock formations. First step, because it’s all extruded foam, was to give the entirety of the base a coating of wall filler. Once dry, this was sanded to get rid of any unsightly lumps before priming it with Army Painter Fur brown. As you can see this ended up all over the “feet” at the bottom of each leg – a risk I had to take really and I accepted an amount of repainting would be required. After that I gave the rocks a wash using a dark brown wash (I mixed it myself because aggrax earth is expensive when used in the quantities I go through on scenery builds). After the wash dried (several hours because it was applied liberally) the rest is all drybrushing. I drybrushed them in 3 stages using GW dry pajnts, first a very heavy drybrush of Golfag Brown followed by Tyrant skull and finally Terminatus stone.
For some finishing touches I added sand to the flat areas where it would be able to settle, this also helps delineate some areas as normal terrain (sand) or difficult terrain (bare rock). And at the bottom of the legs with the Iris hatches, I painted loads of Nurgle Rot to imitate some kind of toxic waste out flow
Lastly, to protect it I coated the whole lot in Mod Podge Matt. When using Filler on scenery this is really important because the filler can be quite brittle and the mod podge dries solid and really helps to protect it
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