I love the smell of Prometheum in the morning
Part 2 - Building the Platform
Once the frame structure is in place, the buildings and other structures that sit atop the rig can be built. This bit is relatively straight forward, although the sliding doors were a bit of a pain in the arse – they’re a nice touch but they’re a bit of a faff. I also seemed to have one set of sliding doors less that the number of doorways so I ended up using one of the fixed door inserts for one door. It’s also pretty cool that you can remove the roofs for each building and access the interior. The top was a lot more straightforward than the structure, although again with some of the pieces they were hard to identify because they were loose in the box and the differences between some of the wall sections is incredibly subtle (and yes, it is possible to assemble it incorrectly). After the buildings were done, I Went back and fastened all of the railings on – my god that was painful. They’re not very complicated but there were 200 supports to be glued in place, which takes rather a long time using PVA glue. I did consider other adhesives however Superglue tends to be a little too brittle, gorilla glue takes almost as long to dry (and expands), epoxy is a faff as it needs to be mixed in small amounts and contact adhesive doesn’t readily allow pieces to be repositioned. So this took 2 nights to complete.
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