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The Starlight Company

The Starlight Company

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Taking Shape Part II

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Skill 1
Idea 2
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Richard von Malbourne, Master Hunter. The Tenth Son of a Very Minor Nobleman.Richard von Malbourne, Master Hunter. The Tenth Son of a Very Minor Nobleman.
While Hunting Dangerous Beasts in the Jungles of Lustria Von Malbourne met Bartholemew. Hunting the great Birds and Beasts of the New World had Grown Dull and he Decided that the Life of a Mercenary Might be more of a Laugh. He wears a Single Feather from Each Large Bird that he's Killed, he Maintains a Large Collection of Spares in case of any Damage.While Hunting Dangerous Beasts in the Jungles of Lustria Von Malbourne met Bartholemew. Hunting the great Birds and Beasts of the New World had Grown Dull and he Decided that the Life of a Mercenary Might be more of a Laugh. He wears a Single Feather from Each Large Bird that he's Killed, he Maintains a Large Collection of Spares in case of any Damage.
The Claok is From a Wood Elf Glade Guard, the head is From a Warlord Roman, the Hat is From a a Warlord Landsknecht as are the Feathers. The Bullet Being Fired is from Warlord Games Pike and Shotte Infantry Pikemen, it was a Last Minute Addition.The Claok is From a Wood Elf Glade Guard, the head is From a Warlord Roman, the Hat is From a a Warlord Landsknecht as are the Feathers. The Bullet Being Fired is from Warlord Games Pike and Shotte Infantry Pikemen, it was a Last Minute Addition.
The Ingenious Gentleman Sir Alonso Malekith, Knight, Former Witch Hunter and Lunatic. The Head and Sword Come from Warlord Games Landsknecht, The Crossbow come from Dark Elf Corairs, the Codpiece is a Warlord Games Roman Veteran Greave and the Cravat is a Pike and Shotte thingy that attaches the Sword to the Belt.The Ingenious Gentleman Sir Alonso Malekith, Knight, Former Witch Hunter and Lunatic. The Head and Sword Come from Warlord Games Landsknecht, The Crossbow come from Dark Elf Corairs, the Codpiece is a Warlord Games Roman Veteran Greave and the Cravat is a Pike and Shotte thingy that attaches the Sword to the Belt.
After a few Decades of Hunting Heretics Alonso  Believes himself to be a Mighty Knight, Destined to Hunt the Evils from the World with Sword, Crossbow and Cravat. He set out on his Journey with a Local Peasant Boy who was Killed by Farmers after Alonso Mistook their Windmill for a Giant and Torched it. Hearing about his Formidable Skills the Starlight Company Sprung him from the Local Jail and he's been with them Ever Since.After a few Decades of Hunting Heretics Alonso Believes himself to be a Mighty Knight, Destined to Hunt the Evils from the World with Sword, Crossbow and Cravat. He set out on his Journey with a Local Peasant Boy who was Killed by Farmers after Alonso Mistook their Windmill for a Giant and Torched it. Hearing about his Formidable Skills the Starlight Company Sprung him from the Local Jail and he's been with them Ever Since.
Adept Alexander Alexios, Mage, Alchemist and Quite Gullible. The Head is from Warlord Games (Formerly Wargames Factory) Skeletons, the Crossbow is from Dark Elf Corsair Reavers and the Eagle Medallion is from the Top of a Perry Miniatures French CuirassiersAdept Alexander Alexios, Mage, Alchemist and Quite Gullible. The Head is from Warlord Games (Formerly Wargames Factory) Skeletons, the Crossbow is from Dark Elf Corsair Reavers and the Eagle Medallion is from the Top of a Perry Miniatures French Cuirassiers
After being Expelled from the College of Magic during his First Term for turning all his Textbooks (and Roommate although that was only Temporary) to Lead in a Botched Extracurricular After being Expelled from the College of Magic during his First Term for turning all his Textbooks (and Roommate although that was only Temporary) to Lead in a Botched Extracurricular "Experiment" he Sought Employment with a Mercenary Company so he could get the Money Together and Bribe a Mage to Teach him the Secrets of Turning Objects into Gold. He's hit a few Setbacks However. A Travelling Merchant Sold him a Golden Helmet, at the price of Two Years Pay, that was Supposed to Enhance his Innate Abilities (In the Merchants Defence it did give him Magic Abilities but being able to Predict Rain 24 Hours in Advance isn't what Alexandrer was After). He also Took his First Years Pay in Lead at a 1:2 Ratio Thinking he'd be able to Turn it into Gold and Double his Money.

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Cult of Games Member

This is awesome look forward to seeing this continue.

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