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REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

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Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 6
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I’ve never made fields before but I’m pleased with the results. It was a simple job of painting a carpet tile brown and gluing down some sprinkled oregano and rows of flock and clump foliage. All I need now is a scare crow.

painted tilepainted tile
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oriskanyElessar2590 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Wow they look fantastic.

Cult of Games Member

@denzien – That is a great idea for quickly building up great looking farm fields, and breaking up the “green board” we all start with and all try to break up as best we can with terrain … so it’s not so obvious it is just a green board. Throwing on too many trees and buildings winds up creating an overloaded table, but here you’ve come up with a solution that breaks up the green expanse, without cluttering up the table or over-shortening too many lines of sight. GREAT!

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