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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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Wizard's Study

Tutoring 8
Skill 16
Idea 12
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Hmmm, my post just disappeared into the interwebs so I will try again.

I’ve finally completed the Wizard’s Study pieces from the Kickstart Rewards.  The retail set comes with a Library set as well and those are now on the table.  Once they’re complete I will have quite collection of painted Terrain Crate and will have to start doing environmental shots of grouped pieces.  For now I’ll start with the cabinet before pulling up a comfy chair.  From there I have the owl familiar, magic mirror, scrying pool, and astrolabe, and a collection of details.  The scrying pool really needs some updated pictures now that I’ve added Secret Weapon’s Realistic Water to the surface.

Traveling hat and magic wand ready and at hand.Traveling hat and magic wand ready and at hand.

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