Traces lead that way
Day 1 - deep cuts!
So this is as straight forward as it gets. I got the measurements of the foot imprint from my FLGS and made a template. That was transfered to 5mm foamcore and I went cutting away.
After that I slapped some filler on it. At this point I realized using cardboard as base… is a bad idea… it really warped but since it’s an imprint on terrain I’m not to worried. Last step for tonight: Sand and grit. Now to let everything dry.
quick work, nicely done
to stop the warping perhaps try putting your filler on the underside (or wetting the underside) as well to try and counter it, much like Mel (TheTerrainTutor) paints and seals all his mdf bases before putting any filler etc on them
Since the main body (the foamcore) is really immune to warping it’s not really a big deal. You can see the warping but it fits the rest of the piece. At least at this point 😉
I love this project and will be making like items for my frozen world battle mats.
Great job!
Thank you 🙂