Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem
Blackstone Fortress Catch-Up
Righty – Life has been a bit of a mad hustle recently and I haven’t got around to updating my project blogs in a while. I’ve still be streaming and painting constantly so I now have a big ol backlog of stuffs to get put in.
Last time I mentioned BSF I had just started on the first model, the man of iron UR-025 and was formulating how to do the bases! Ohhhhhhhh there has been progress!!!
I’ve been pottering away on teh lovely BSF minis – doing an odd one or two here and there in between other minis and commission work to the point that have now completed 19 of the 44 core game models and the mighty Ambull expansion box which arrived the other week. More about him in a future update. So here’s the BSF progress so far!
For this project I’ve been trying to speed up my painting and do them just to tabletop level rather than obsessing over every mini and ending up spending 10+ hours on each and every one.
This has worked out sometimes better than others but still am happy at getting a decent tabletop level achieved for what are to be gaming pieces not display….~ish!!
Well thats about it for now for BSF 19 down, 25 plus the Ambull and her wee gribblies to go!!!!
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