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10mm Fantasy

10mm Fantasy

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Blimey, actual paint on models...

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 9
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So… I left off having started basing the figs and having played my first game of WoE. Unfortunately work and a run of other commitments stalled the momentum slightly, and meant that when work did progress it has been done away from picture taking devices so i’ll ramble a bit in case it’s of interest!

Dremeling – I actually dug out my Dremel bought for just such a purpose and brought it to bare on the trolls to remove the basing issue. I only used what came in the original kit (the orange disk one) and I found it did nothing for ages until it took too much off. I think I troll survived intact but no base and the others both lost the best part of a foot (same pose, same foot). I  may be inept, I might have used the wrong tool, or it may be the material as it got hot (and boy did it get hot!) but heyho what’s done is done so how to fix it…

Filling the hole/fixing the errors – So what to do next as even the troll with both feet didn’t have a base to cover the hole in the washer. I had a rubbish idea… one of the side effects of not having my own permanent hobby space is the random shite left in the vicinity and today it helped. A shop tag of thin card had been carelessly left on my desk (probably by me as I am a slob) and so I cut a square big enough to cover the hole and job done. For the footless chaps I cut a smaller bit of card to from a step so they were now the “correct” level that the damage is covered. It also helped the cav as although the bases are thin enough, they are not “level” so are all on a similar tilt. By using thin strips of card I have propped them up like a wobbly table and more or less corrected the issue without having to resort to the Dremel again for now.

All this will be covered by that basing paint stuff in due course.

So the upshot of this waffle is that tonight I undercoated 500 points of gobbos using a cheap airbrush so I can consider painting them. This is significant to me as this is where most of my projects stall so hopefully using this tool will enable me to actually complete an army…

Below are the undercoated minis. You can see the card still to get an idea of what I mean. Also included is a picture of my faithless warhound who kept me company and looked very disappointed not to be “helping”.


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Cult of Games Member

Good start Dave

Our cats always look disappointed when there not allowed to help me paint etc

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