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Star Trek Free Print&Play

Star Trek Free Print&Play

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Cloaking Rules

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4

Thank you for good suggestions for cloaking ships. I decided to make some additions that will make cloaking more useful.

  • Ambush: before deployment the player with cloaked ships may place his ships  in reserve, then during any turn (except turn 1)  before the Initiative Phase they deploy all ships up to 8″ from any board edge excluding the opponents. This can be done on any turn after turn 1. The ships then can each make one free move and one free attack.
  • The other variation is instead of the board edge, they would deploy 12″ from all enemy ships.

So I need to test to see which of the two will work better.

The other idea was for Romulans only as they have a more advanced cloaking device.

  • When a Romulan ship cloaks it is replaced with 2 Ping Tokens, these tokens move like the cloaked ships but must stay up to 3″ from each other. When an enemy ship successfully hits one of the tokens (needing 6’s to hit) the tokens are flipped to reveal the location of the real ship; replace that token with the actual ship, removing all tokens associated with that ship. If it is the ship that was hit, then damage is applied; the ship remains cloaked. During the ships activation if it remains cloaked it is again replaced by 2 Ping Tokens.

Below is an up to date file for the ships.


Thank you for your interest and suggestions.


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Cult of Games Member

Great progress on this project @grbour . So you may have seen, also on the Project dashboard here on OTT, my Darkstar project (Tactical Starship combat in the 26th Century). I only mention because we’ve been playing Darkstar online successfully for a while now with people in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and even China. Would you potentially be interested in coordinating some kind of joint online web meeting one of these days to run your Star Trek skirmish game? Might be a good way for more players to try your game? Totally up to you, of course. Re: Romulan… Read more »

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