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8th Army Indian Infantry

8th Army Indian Infantry

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Short truck- short cut

Tutoring 5
Skill 11
Idea 9

Got my second transport finished just tonight. Took me only about an afternoon to paint this up – including basecoating the model. I applied the same method as described in my former post and – again – I’m quite happy with the outcome.

The model is the Bedford dropside truck (civilian pattern) by Warlord Games. It may be referred to as the “little brother” of the Bedford OY 3ton lorry…as seen in the last picture, with the latter being the main transport for my ever mobile 8th Army Sikhs.  I will mainly use the dropside truck for rushing around my weapon teams over the battlfield…at least that’s the plan, but all you tabletop tacticans know – plans and reality, two very different pairs of shoes. Now have a glance yourself…

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shoop77oriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great progress, @shoop77 ! I have my DAK trucks in progress -primed, base-colored, highlighted, some block colors … the next step is wash, which is what I wanted to ask you about. Are yours pin washed? How did you get the wash (in general terms). I’ll admit, I’m half-afraid to start the wash on mine.

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