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Painting Mythic Battles titans

Painting Mythic Battles titans

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its finished but after a catastrophy!

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Well one night recently I couldn’t sleep so took many hours constructing a step by step update on painting the remaining two titans paints used each individual step lots of pictures and detail it was great.

On completion I am happy as Larry and smug as hell, Damn that looks good! then the universe delivers a swift kick to my bottom I hope you can all learn from.

I press upload, the little circle thing starts a whirling then nothing computers frozen everything is dead on the screen apart from the whirling…….. I leave it for a few hours…………still the same I start to worry about my project……….I take wargamer dog for a walk come back again nothing…….make a cup of tea (as tea solves everything) sit down and see if it will let me switch tabs as I had another beast of war one open and yes it now works im elated  their is a god and he is on my side….

NAH! I switch back to the open project page and everything from that night is gone.

so my project will be finishing with just photos of the last two titans as im well into my next project and don’t have the time for a rerun…..

Please, please, please, learn from my mistake break your project down into bite size pieces rather than one large update like I did. then if you get the same hiccup like me you don’t lose it all.


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Cult of Games Member

I love the autumn colour scheme for Gaia.

I often find you can loose your project update it you try to upload too much content. The limit seems to be three or four photos. I get around it by creating a post with a few pictures then uploading it. Then I edit the post to add more pictures a few at a time. When I write text I always copy it into notepad or a word document before uploading so if the upload fails I can always copy it back in.

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