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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Paintathon Update - Day 7; Friday

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 7
Watching varnish dry...Watching varnish dry...

Brushed on some AP Strong Tone varnish, thinned a little with mineral turpentine, this morning. Varnish has now settled and I will give it until tomorrow morning to properly cure. Slight pooling at the bottom of some shields (which I can live with as I want these guys to look like they have been on campaign) and some tide marks on one of the banners that will need to be touched up, beyond that not much rehighlighting outside weapon blades required from what I could see on my first brief inspection.

So have been wondering what to do once all these armies are tabletop ready. Am flirting with the idea of replaying the Siege of Middenheim from the 2003 Storm of Chaos campaign as a narrative battle. o that end went hunting about for some siege rules. Best official ones I was able to locate were from Appendix 4 of the WHFB 6th edition rules combined with the siege section form the General’s Compendium (circa same edition – possibly 2003ish again? Great book regardless and well worth tracking down if you still like the idea of massed rank and flank fantasy combat games of any flavour). I have a section of barbican from Printable Scenery that I could use for the wall, but the size of the scenario possibly necessitates more than a 4 foot frontage, so not going to commit to anything until I’ve had a chance to think through what might actually be involved…


The 'on hand' barbican. probably doesn't look quite as imposing as the walls of Middenheim would actually need to be...The 'on hand' barbican. probably doesn't look quite as imposing as the walls of Middenheim would actually need to be...

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torrosevilstu Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

They look great. For the barding on the figures 2nd from the left on the middle tray with bluish tinge what colour are you using please as I quite like that

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