Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project
Alladore kit bashing
@brennon set us a challenge to kitbash from NorthStar “legos” kits. These are some of my efforts so far.
First guy is made from Frostgrave soldier body and sack with Frostgrave barbarian arms and head.
I will use him as a survivor / citizen model for some of the scenarios.
He might pass as a Frostgrave thief too. ?
The base is made from the cut up feet tabs from other minis to look like dungeon or castle flooring.
I liked making this guy. The right arm if a bow string drawing arm, but I think the fact that he is heavily laden makes it look like he is adjusting his shoulder strap.
The head is from the barbarian set.
The rest of the body is from the NorthStar soldiers sprue, but I think one of the pouches on the back might be from the female soldier sprue.
He will make a fine survivor model or a pack mule again for Frostgrave. Still can’t remember what the pack mule’s advantage is in game. ?
Another survivor with a lantern. ? He clearly used to be a sergeant with pointing skills like that.
NorthStar soldiers body with a head from a Conquest Games medieval archers box sprue.
Not much of a kit bash, but enjoyed the basing and trying to hint at some light coming from the lantern.
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