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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Citizens of Alladore we can all adore continued...

Tutoring 2
Skill 7
Idea 5
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Citizens of Alladore we can all adore continued...

Survivor or civilian model. Packed her bags and decided “that’s enough giant rats for me, I am off to me mother’s”.
Made from the Frostgrave NorthStar female soldiers box.

The wife thinks she has a mustache. I did wonder why some of the female head sculpts aren’t more femanin, but I couldn’t sculpt a better one so I will not judge.

Citizens of Alladore we can all adore continued...
Citizens of Alladore we can all adore continued...

Frostgrave female soldiers box mini again.
She took some scrolls for a bit of light reading, a dagger because why not, and a lantern? She seems suspicious… ?

Citizens of Alladore we can all adore continued...

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