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Monday Dungeon Design

Monday Dungeon Design

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The Wind Reaper Part 1: Drawing

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 9

So we thought we could create a dungeon live on Twitch every Monday and whilst we didn’t manage to finish in a single evening we think the plan went well.

There are technical issues with the stream but as a proof of concept, we are pretty smug. And the dungeon is pretty neat too. Below is the sketch as it stands at the end of the evening, and maybe tomorrow I’ll post up jacks notes. The video is available on twitch for a few days so I’m trying to put it on youtube.

It won’t be edited and their won’t be much preproduction outside of the stream simply because we are all busy people.

If any of you have much experience with this sort of this we are super interested to get some pointers as we are really feeling this out as we go.


Forgot to mention the stream is here:

Session 1Session 1

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caesarsundancerLancorz Recent comment authors
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Just followed the channel earlier, hoping to catch up during some post work time. Hoping I can catch it live next Monday.

Cult of Games Member

Maybe link the Twitch channel if you want people to follow please? 😉

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