Painting the Prussian 11th Brigade at the Battle of Leipzig
What I have so far
The good news (for me) is that I’m already well underway on this project and I know what my end goal looks like. The biggest component of the 11th Brigade consisted of the 10th Infantry Regiment (1st Silesian), which I’ve already completed thanks to three boxes of Perry Plastic miniatures. To go along with that I’ve painted up a commander to represent General von Ziethen and a gun battery (who’s facings I need to redo, as they were apparently black with red piping, not in the Silesian colours).
That brings my progress to:
General von Ziethen (commander)1st Silesian Infantry (3 battalions)- 10th Reserve Infantry (2 battalions)
- Silesian Schützen (1/2 battalion)
- 8th Silesian Landwehr (2 battalions)
- 1st Silesian Hussars (2.5 squadrons)
- 2nd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry (1 squadron)
6pdr Foot Battery No 9 (8 guns)
Next up are the Landwehr. I have conflicting reports of their strength, but Osprey’s book on the Battle of Leipzig puts their number at 2 battalions, so that’s where we’ll start.
@quantumpete great work, good to see the Prussians gettting some love. Those Perry models really are nice to paint.
Following with interest.
Looking good! And fantastic to see more Napoleonics on the site.
Great progress so far, @quantumpete – especially on the regimental and the cavalry (horses I always struggle with on my AWI projects). And I like your check-off list! 😀
Checking things off a list is almost as satisfying as that last brush-stroke on a unit 😀