Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements
Getting set for 1956 Arab-Israeli Wars Game
Sunday we have an Arab-Israeli Wars game set up, recreating part of the opening Israeli drive against the southern wing of the Abu Agheila “hedgehog” (Egyptian 6th Brigade / 3rd Infantry Division). This was part of the opening of Operation Kadhesh, undertaken in conjunction with French paratroopers and British Royal Marines at the Suez Canal (Operation Musketeer) in response to Egyptian President Nasser’s nationalization of the Suez Canal.
The game is scheduled live for 5PM GMT / 12 Noon EST between myself and @damon.
Interested in joining in or checking it out, just chatting with some hard-core wargamers? Ping me with a PM and I’ll send a web address for our web conference.
Can’t wait to see how the games go. I’ll try and join you both days
Awesome! Thanks so much for the fast reply and recommendations (means a lot this week …) One of the days we’ll have to try something at a more agreeable time for you in your time zone. 😀