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Kings of War Empire of Dust Army Build

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Cleaning mold lines

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 7

First off I am gutted to say my first attempt which was a comprehensive update covering everything failed to publish coming up with error code 500. It is pretty soul destroying when that occurs so I am going to do my updates in smaller bitesize chunks rather than risk losing 30 minutes worth of typing.

So this week I have been working hard cleaning mold lines. Before you read too much in to that I would like to point out that I am a bit of a stickler for removing mold lines.

The Empire of Dust models consist of a mix between metals and plastics and are about average when it comes to mold lines. All generally have a single long mold line running around the circumference of the centre of all parts. It is easy to get to on all the models I have cleaned up to yet and I have yet to find any flash on anything.

This image shows a mix of some of the themed, unthemed and detailing of the Empire of Dust models. The bottom left is a casket showing the level of details of the metal components, next to that are the two shield types those designed to go with the corresponding plastic or metal models. Again both show excellent details and the design to fix the metal to plastic shields gives a great contact surface. The top row shows an archer, themed metal head with standard body and themed torso and body. The last two can be adapted through weapon choice to bear swords or spears for the two different unit types.This image shows a mix of some of the themed, unthemed and detailing of the Empire of Dust models. The bottom left is a casket showing the level of details of the metal components, next to that are the two shield types those designed to go with the corresponding plastic or metal models. Again both show excellent details and the design to fix the metal to plastic shields gives a great contact surface. The top row shows an archer, themed metal head with standard body and themed torso and body. The last two can be adapted through weapon choice to bear swords or spears for the two different unit types.

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I feel you, as I told @aurorainbag the same happened to my Zulu update so I left it 3 days. Now I type it into word, cut and paste with some photos and then edit it. It’s a whore to do but the alternative is to open a vein.

Lovely work by the way, I’m interested in seeing you tackle a horde army rather than a skirmish set.

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