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REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

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Idea 8

At Christmas I picked up the second edition of Blackpowder which contains an updated version of the battle of Bunker Hill. This at first I thought was a problem because I’d collected the forces for the original scenario and the terrain. However I think this updated version provides more flexibility to the battle and is larger in scope. This means I need to pick up a few more minis and put together a larger battlefield. I had started collecting for the second scenario in the rebellion book which was Chattertons Hill but I’m putting that on hold but still have a load of minis to paint for it.

New map for me to work on creatingNew map for me to work on creating
Crown force listCrown force list
Rebel listRebel list

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oriskanydenzien Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Interesting map, @denzien . I really look forward to seeing this table. I love the American Revolution and wish more players would give it a go, I feel it would play well with the “black powder skirmish” that seems to be all the rage these days. If I were drawing that map I would just cock the “north” arrow perhaps 45 degrees to the right, as I think Charlestown was more to the south of Breed’s Hill than the west, unless this is on the extreme southern end of the Patriot line (which would be fine, you’re just not really… Read more »

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