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40k fan furious about different plastic Space Marine toys

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40k fan furious about  different plastic Space Marine toys

Warhammer 40,000 fan Shaun Moorcok was, for some reason, outraged by the recent teaser image released by Games Workshop.

Shaun, 26 from Northampton, said “when I saw the image I thought it was a Squat in Power Armour but then a dark, horrible thought crept over me.  I think it might actually be a Space Marine Funko Pop figure!”

“I was in denial at first,  I would comment on any photo on social media of it telling people it’s clearly a Squat in Power Armour, but I knew what it was in my heart,  probably because it looks nothing like a Squat in Power Armour and exactly like a Pop Figure” Shaun said.

“It’s awful,  this is the last thing we need,  they will just be more plastic filling landfills in years to come.” Shaun continued while putting a box full of plastic toy soldiers onto his shelf.

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I have to admit I did think it was a teaser for squats at first.

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