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Elessar2590's Darkstar Campaign

Elessar2590's Darkstar Campaign

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In Defence of HMS Bounce

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

While Searching for the Remaining Pirates Battle Group Nassau Receives an Emergency Distress Call

When Battle Group Nassau arrived at the last known Location of the HMS Bounce they found it almost totally disabled but no sign of any enemy ships. Then as they were making their approach seven “Baroness” class ships were detected making a beeline for them. The Defence of HMS Bounce was imperative but so was finding out what these “Pirates” are after.

The Condition of HMS Bounce at the Start of the Game. It Cannot Move or Shoot.The Condition of HMS Bounce at the Start of the Game. It Cannot Move or Shoot.
Yellow is HMS Wills, Orange is HMS Burke, Red is HMS Burnaby and White is the HMS Swedish Knight. HMS Bounce is in GreenYellow is HMS Wills, Orange is HMS Burke, Red is HMS Burnaby and White is the HMS Swedish Knight. HMS Bounce is in Green
In Defence of HMS Bounce
Half of the Battle Group Moved to Defend the HMS Bounce While the Other Half Attempted to Cut Off the Half of the Battle Group Moved to Defend the HMS Bounce While the Other Half Attempted to Cut Off the "Pirates"
Two Ships Destroyed Outright, Heavy Cruisers Don't Screw AroundTwo Ships Destroyed Outright, Heavy Cruisers Don't Screw Around
The British Realise that they've Left the HMS Bounce Defencless and it Takes a Beating.The British Realise that they've Left the HMS Bounce Defencless and it Takes a Beating.
The The "Pirates" are Being Taken Apart Piecemeal but HMS Bounce is in Serious Trouble
Four Broadsides from One Heavy Cruider, Two Destroyers and an Escort Frigate, the Four Broadsides from One Heavy Cruider, Two Destroyers and an Escort Frigate, the "Pirates Didn't Stand a Chance but Very Nearly Destroyed HMS Bounce with Their Final Shot
HMS Bounce at the End of the Game, Our Victory Conditions was the Loss of the Bridge so this was Extremely CloseHMS Bounce at the End of the Game, Our Victory Conditions was the Loss of the Bridge so this was Extremely Close
The Captain of the HMS Bounce was Extremely Grateful to the Men of Battle Group Nassau, Maybe He can Shed some Light on the Situation. Bounce was the Name of Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood's Dog Hence the PhotoThe Captain of the HMS Bounce was Extremely Grateful to the Men of Battle Group Nassau, Maybe He can Shed some Light on the Situation. Bounce was the Name of Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood's Dog Hence the Photo

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Cult of Games Member

Search and Rescue mission! Great idea for a narrative game, @elessar2590 . 😀 Yikes. Heavy cruiser vs. a Baroness class frigate, especially at that range. Yeah, boom. 😀 If I was playing the pirates my strategy would be to mass together a single sward of Class V “Sparta XII” torpedoes at one of the enemy ship’s engines. Most torpedoes would be shot down but one or two hits would cripple anything short of the heavy cruiser. Three such hits would cripple the heavy cruiser if they hit just right. Failing that, a massed seven-ship broadside across the heavy cruiser’s stern.… Read more »

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