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Solo Wargaming - Example Playthrough (Pic Heavy)

Solo Wargaming - Example Playthrough (Pic Heavy)

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Where To From here?

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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In the context of a solo narrative campaign, one unit of orc scouts did succeed in breaching the pass. The warning signal had been given however, so local villagers would be alert to the possible threat. This present opportunities for several types of skirmish or role playing level games. Does the local town council dispatch trackers to seek out the orcs? Do the orcs undertake guerrilla warfare against the human military? Do they raid farms and hamlets and if so, do a group of plucky 1st level adventurers take up arms to stop them?

And as stated previously, there is now either a very weak point or open breach in the defensive line for the human kingdom. This would need to be addressed or exploited by nearby forces. Finances may need to be sourced by the human kingdom to raise a new force to defend the pass, or troops pulled from somewhere else to plug the gap. This in turn would weaken other points in the kingdom’s defensive line.

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