Solo Wargaming - Example Playthrough (Pic Heavy)
Next up it was time to deploy units. First to be placed were the fusiliers as there was no real question about there positioning – they were there to defend the pass.
The next body of troops down were the goblin forces that had captured and overrun the watchtower in the early morning, unbeknownst to the human forces.
The remaining orc forces were deployed according to their initial battleplan. That is, to the left of road a unit of skirmishing archers up front screening big blocks of orc warriors and orc big un’z from shooting, with a giant using the damaged buildings of the ruined village as cover from the fusiliers cannons. On the road a unit of savage orcs was screening the black orcs. To the right of the road a second unit of orc archers acted as a skirmishing screen for the remaining blocks of orc warriors and savage orcs. On the right flank, orc boar riders (please ignore the missing rider, I’m sure I’ll locate him one day…) and chariot would support the remaining goblin units in sweeping round and securing the right flank.
The human reinforcing company took position as best they could in the available space on the far side of the road. The crossbowmen took up a defensive position behind a ruined wall and made ready to add supporting fire to the guns of the fusiliers. Behind them, light cavalry waited for an opportunity to redeploy to a more tactically advantageous position. The swordsmen containing the captain, being the only unit that could potentially withstand receiving a charge by the orc units, anchored the battle line. The remaining free company and archer units were deployed further out to respond to the threat the goblins presented. The human huntsmen made their scouting deployment behind the ruined buildings near the road to the pass – they would attempt to harass and slow down the orcs without becoming involved in direct hand to hand combat with them.
Trap counters were additionally placed along most of the length of the board, face down. I had no idea which or even how many counters were active traps at this stage.
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