40k Deathwing Terminators by Bothi
BatRep: Deathwing vs Thousand Sons
If you’ve read the project description you might have recognized, that I did this challenge together with a friend. In December we decided to pick up our armies from that project again and have another game against each other.
It was a really friendly narrative 40k game in which he had to assault a position of mine. I had to dig in (some rules giving me +1 saving throws in addition to cover) and he had infinite reserves (every dead unit just comes back).
As I was not allowed to deep strike I set up my Terminators – most of them are geared towards melee – as far to the front as I could. So I actually could get into melee and keep my opponent from reaching the objective.
As he had the first turn for sure, my opponent decided to bring his first wave as far to the front as possible aswell. The fight was on.
The first turns went really well for me. I could soak up a lot of damage with my Stormshield and Terminator Armour and my opponent failed most of his psychic powers or I was able to deny them. I even got into a few melees and killed nearly the entire first wave.
But after a few turns my small force started to dwindle and the Sons kept attacking wave after wave. Near the end I was down to three Terminators running havoc in the Sons deployment area (they kept making saves and charging and charging and charging…) and the Cyclone squad inside one of the buildings.
I was scoring 2 Victory Points for every unit I killed. He got 1 VP for every of his units in my deployment area, 2 VP for every of his units behind my deployment area and an extra two if he controlled the objective. One squad of Rubricks made it to the objective scoring 4 VP on their own (2 for the objective and 2 for being behind my lines). But I managed to kill enough and won that match very closely 14 to 11.
It was a really fun game and there will be more in the future. Leave some nice words for my buddy. The Thousand Sons are the first army he ever painted. I make sure to forward them to him.
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