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75th Anniversary of Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Terrain Build)

75th Anniversary of Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Terrain Build)

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Monte Cassino - Roads and highlights

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

I managed to get a small amount of hobby done over the Christmas holidays. I wanted to get the dirt road in place up the side of Monte Cassino and felt the best way to do this was was to mix up some sand with PVA glue. The sand should be the right scale to be ‘pebble’ size and look a little more like a dirt road. I needed to colour it as well and so mixed in plenty of the brown paint used for colouring the rest of the foam.

This mixture was then applied in a couple of layers to the area designed to be a road. This took several days to dry properly.

Monte Cassino - Roads and highlights

To provide the highlight, I found some cheap spray acrylics online and ordered these in. The rocks around Cassino are very light in colour so a light brown and bone white looked the best bet for getting the highlight right.

Monte Cassino - Roads and highlights

The mid brown colour was applied fairly close to the foam and at a low angle from the horizontal. Once dry, I applied the bone white sparingly from a higher angle to catch the top edges. I followed this up with hitting odd patches across with mixes of the two colours to try and vary the tone.

Next job will be to start flocking the hill and applying some wash to the road.

Monte Cassino - Roads and highlights

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Cult of Games Member

More great progress on this project, @redvers . The games are going to look epic!

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