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Project Entry by erion

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The First Effort for 2019

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The first thing we need to get out there, right up front, is that most of the stuff that will be posted on this project log isn’t brand new. A lot of what you’ll see here, with the likely exceptions of a few new building kits I buy throughout the year and whatever new stuff I get from the Genestealer Cults codex (I love the dirt bikes / quads, for a start) has been in my collection for a good while. Some stuff (mainly T’au but also some Eldar and Space Wolves) has a good chance of dating all the way back to the initial launch of Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon when GW did the boxes that gave you buy-2-get-1 tanks and other almost unheard of (at the time) shenanigans. My Blood Ravens and Death Guard have been built, primered, and forgotten since right about the launch of 8th edition in 2017. Some other stuff was too good to pass up on recent deals (2018 Holiday Battleforces). But what it comes down to is that this will not be a place, by and large, to see somebody who is working on the newest models and most up-to-date releases.

Now that that’s out of the way, my first project for 2019 is going to be a little Kill Team of Blood Ravens Primaris Marines. The core of the models comes out of the “easy-to-build” Primaris Space Marines and Primaris Reivers that were released in the summer of 2017. Two of the models are entirely finished already. They were done as prototype paint jobs, and I’m pretty pleased with the results. Most of the rest have been sprayed black and airbrushed with the base color for their armor (I think it’s army painter Vampire Red, but it might be Abomination Gore). A few are still just black, built or converted after I decided to make a Kill Team out of them and then the project fell by the wayside as I pivoted to work on something else. They were just sprayed in the last few days.

Losing focus and finding something else to work in is an all-too-common theme in my hobby history – and one I’m hoping to convert to a strength instead of a weakness as part of this project. I’m planning to choose a reasonably-sized piece of some portion of my unreasonably-sized collection. I’ll complete that small number of models. Then I’ll choose then next little chunk and do those. And again. Until I have, by the end of the year, gotten though a large chunk of the back-log. Fortunately I’m largely immune to the big 40k release coming this year (Sisters of Battle), so unless there is another big release of Primaris kits I should be able to avoid adding too much to the pile.

The First Effort for 2019

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