Rangers of Shadow Deep - Ninjilly's DayKnight 30 Day Project
Goals and Objectives
I have a confession to make – I, Ninjilly, find my hobby backlog so intimidating that I avoid it completely. I’ve not painted in months, I haven’t even played that often because I feel ashamed by how bad everything looks. I have some great stuff in there, games I want to play and many more I want to try out. Enough is enough.
Inspired by streamer, host and all round great guy Day[9] and his DayKnight 30 Day Projects (see https://dk30.day9.tv/ for more information) I decided to challenge myself to embark one for the first month of the year. DayKnight Projects aim to take big things and break them down into smaller, manageable projects with a four week structure. So to my challenge…
Rangers of Shadow Deep ticks some very important boxes for me – it can be played solo, it doesn’t need a lot of minis and it has a strong narrative focus. I want to try and get some of my RPG group to foray into miniatures games this year and RoSD looks like a good bridging game for us. It has RPG elements in it and more importantly is co-operative.
The PDF is $20 and January is a five week month so I’m holding off buying it but that doesn’t mean I can’t get something ready to go for when I pick it up. The goal then for the challenge is to get enough kit together for the game, preferably for the less than the cost of the PDF. What I need is broken down into 4 elements – minis, buildings, trees and scatter terrain.
Week 1 – Minis
I need ranger/hero models, zombies, giant rats/spiders and some villagers. I have heroes and zombies in an unopened copy of Zombicide: Black Plague. Spiders, rats and villagers sadly I don’t think I can do from what I currently own but I do have a big pile of Pathfinder Pawns so I’ll just have to use those.
Week 2 – Buildings
This is where I think my only real expense. I don’t own any fantasy buildings and this is budgeted for under $20 so I’m going to focus on printable buildings.
Week 3 – Trees
Pretty self explanatory on this one – make a large volume of trees, shrubs etc to help populate the table.
Week 4 – Scatter Terrain
I have a box of resin terrain a friend gave me a while back that has carts, crates, ruined walls etc in there. The final week of the challenge will be to get the usable stuff painted up.
Oh pal have you just help me out brill idea.
Cool, glad to hear it helped. The Project format is proving pretty motivating so far