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The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

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17 Dec 18: Return to Darkness...

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Switching back over to the darker side of the project again, I’ve got an assassin from Mantic. He’s listed as a Dark Elf assassin, purchased during the Dungeon Saga Kickstarter. He could be an opponent or a character.

Although the mini will be part of my Dark Elf collection, I’ll paint the mini with the same skin tone as my High Elves. This will hint that he is not of Drow/ Dark Elf heritage, and the skin will match with the first Mantic Elves that I painted.

This was a fairly quick paint job. Started on 14 Dec 18. Basic black cloth, leather armour and a couple of spot colours. I used the same red and teal as I used in the previous Dark Elves, the Witches.

Mantic Dark Elf Assassin Resin miniMantic Dark Elf Assassin Resin mini
Needs a Mortal Kombat ninja name...Needs a Mortal Kombat ninja name...

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