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space hulk 3D

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3d Space Hulk Terrain

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Played the game in my younger years and caught the bug again with time on my hands over the winter period.

I bought the board game again from ebay and the 2 expansions, starting building and painting the Terminators and Genestealer so many hours getting them done…

It was then I thought about taking it to the next level and I started to research what was out there to do something more 3d….many hours later I found what I wanted on the printable scenery web site. the cost of which is very reasonable for what you get.

The next hurdle was how was I going to get them printed, the commercial route was far too expensive so again back to the web to start lookng at purchasing my own printer. Again many hours of reviews until I settled for the one I thought would work for this project ( I3 Mega ).

As I had no experience with 3d printing this was quite fun to do. After a few test prints of the items in the pack I got I decided to scale up the scenery ( the 30mm squares were a little too small for my liking so went for 35mm ). this scale in the end was 116.66%,

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