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PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

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Demoing in Milton Keynes

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9

I had a cracking time demoing Gangs of Rome last night at the Milton Keynes Wargames Society in Stony Stratford, just off Watling Street, which seemed fitting. It was nice to meet up with some old friends and have a good time. Everyone seemed to enjoy the game and created a lot of interest from the other members too.

Demoing in Milton Keynes

We played a scenario from the main rule book called A Tribute to Mars where you have to get one of the other gang member to no health, drag him or her to temple in the centre of the table and sacrifice them to Mars, the God of War and Agriculture.

This sounds quite simple but we had six players, alliances where made and broken, there was back stabbing, in fighting and all the elements of a good Roman day out.

The Roman Mobs kept everyone on their toes as that panicked, attacked and injured fighters with the same abandon as the players. They climbed, they fell, they fought across the highest parts and fighters soon fell.

Wicked caltrops were thrown, hideous fighters scared the mobs away, slings, javelins, spears and pilums were thrown, blades and hammers bashed each other and the streets started to turn red with blood.

Within all the carnage a fighter fell and was quietly dragged away to the temple and the fallen fighter throat was opened and Mars was pleased.

Demoing in Milton Keynes

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panzerkaputGerry Recent comment authors
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the real question is, did you use that 2 man gang and how did it fair? Also I really need to get my finger out and get some work done. Every time you and Dicky post I look at piles of unbuilt wood and die a little inside ^^

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