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75th Anniversary of Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Army Build)

75th Anniversary of Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Army Build)

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Commonwealth Infantry - Base coats

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

It’s been a long production line of painting, basically taking each colour at a time and applying it in turn to every model before starting the next colour. Not the most exciting painting approach but the most efficient.

Following the boots, I applied the following colours in this order,

Medium brown for the wooden rifle stocks and strap

Khaki to the belts, back packs, webbing and gaiters

Barbarian flesh to the skin

Olive drab to the water bottles

Reflective green to the helmets

Gunmetal to the barrels, SMGs and Bren Guns

Cavalry brown to the helmet straps

This left me with the following look

The entire companyThe entire company
Close up of the base coloured modelClose up of the base coloured model

Next up comes the shading. Like the Fallschirmjager before, I will brush on the quick shade medium as it is so simple and quick. It looks awful once dry but with a coat of matt varnish, it transforms the models.

A rear shotA rear shot
And the front of the same modelsAnd the front of the same models

If I had the time and patience, I would consider a light dry brush from here to really bring them out. But, time is not on my side and I also quite like the dark, dirty look. It reflects the state of the troops at Cassino. I think given the 15mm scale here you can get away without a dry brush, probably couldn’t at 28mm.

Next up will be the basing.

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome detailing on these infantry, @redvers . I think I have these same figures, although your came out better than mine. 😀

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