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40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

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Iron Priest Test Piece & Space Wolf Model Inventory

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I want to test out the colour scheme for the Space Wolves before I go full in to mass production so I’ve picked a solo to work on first.  I had 11 marines so thats 1 spare from a unit.  I had 3 mechanical arms so why not turn him in to an Iron Priest?  His arm was broken so that needed patching up with Green Stuff.  I know the backpack is technically for loading rockets in to a launcher, but my rocket launcher guy already has a backpack so I’m going with it.  Below you can see what I’ve built, and the current GW stock model for the Iron Priest.  What do you think?  See any issues?  I’ll likely prime him in the morning and put him on one side to start painting once I’ve cleared the current minis off my paint station.

I don’t know about 40k iconography so if anyone sees me using something definitively wrong please let me know.  I want to be mostly correct and this is also a good opportunity for me to learn more about the universe and the lore.

As a summary, here’s what I think I own towards a Space Wolves army.  I’d be interested to hear if this is a solid basis for a competitive list ot not, and what I’d need to add/remove to make it so:

HQ: Kitbashed Iron priest

Elites: Dreadnought & Venerable Dreadnought

Heavy Support: Land Raider, Vindicator, & Predator

Transport: Rhino

Troops: 10x Tactical Marines, 10x Terminators, 3x Primaris Intercessors from the magazine (Can you field just 3?  Looks like 5 is the minimum)

I can’t seem to find regular Terminators or Marines in the GW Combat Roster program.  Are all Space Wolf Terminators called Wolf Guard Terminators, or are they different?  I assume base level SW Space Marines are known as a Space Wolf Pack?  I’m not seeing them in the app either.  GW Don’t like to make this game easy to access, do they?

Back to painting

  1. I started with a preshade
  2. Using inks I built up the colour on the shoulders.  This should benefit from the preshading if I don’t go too far.  Working with the inks I already own, I chouse to try Coat d’arms Ink Wash Red and Coat d’arms Ink Wash yellow.  The red appeared too bright so I ended up dulling it down later with a little P3 Skorne Red glaze.  I may revisit this later and change it again.
  3. The shoulders were then coated with gloss varnish to protect them during the next few steps.
  4. The shoulders were given 2 heavy coats of liquid mask.  Thick is easier to remove later.
  5. Using my airbrush I laid down an even base coat of GW The Fang.  First highlight was GW Russ Grey sprayed from above and down to almost 90 degrees.  Final highlight was GW Fenrisian Grey sprayed from above and out to 10-20 degrees at most.  This should build up a natural highlight over all those curved surfaces
  6. The liquid mask was removed and the areas were checked to see if they needed touching up.
  7. The model was given a coat of gloss varnish and then pin washed with GW Agrax Earthshade
  8. I should have gone in and edge highlighted the blues but I did not.  I will likely do this with future models and do this guy with them.  This might require adding a little ivory, or P3 Frostbite to the highlight colour.  We will see.
  9. The flex between armour plates was based with VMC 70.995 German Grey and washed with GW Nuln Oil
  10. I picked out the iron with GW Leadbelcher, washed id with Nuln oil, and highlighted up with P3 Cold Steel.  The dark plates on the guns were painted with VMC German grey and washed and highlighted with the iron to give them a metallic effect
  11. The gold was done with GW Retributor armour, washed with diluted Green Stuff World (GSW) 1713 Pecatum Flesh Wash Ink, and then highlighted back up with P3 Solid Gold.
  12. The skulls were painted with P3 Jack Bone, washed with GW Seraphim Sepia and highlighted with P3 Menoth White Base.
  13. The axe handle was based with P3 Murderous Magenta, washed with Agrax Earthshade and highlighted with a mix of Murderous Magenta and P3 Menoth White Highlight.
  14. The eyes were given a dot of P3 Ember Orange and then washed with red ink.

The base was sprayed with VMC Neutral Grey, washed with Nuln oil and drybrushed up with P3 jack Bone.  The mud was painted with P3 Battlefield Brown, then drybrushed with P3 Bootstrap Leather and then a little P3 Jack Bone.  It will eventually be coated with snow, but it is more efficient to do this with multiple bases at the same time so I am not doing this just yet.

I’m calling him done for now.  I’ll likely be adding some edge highlighting to the armour while painting some troops and I may revisit the red too.  We will see.  I plan on using these steps as a basis for the rest of the army.

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