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Battle of Pelennor Fields

Battle of Pelennor Fields

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Army of the Dead

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 4
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So the first unit I went for was the army of the dead, they seemed nice and easy to paint and I got them done very quickly! I primed them with a matt white, cheap car primer (works a treat) then gave them a heavy wash all over with GW Biel-Tan Green and… that was it! I was thinking of giving them so dry brushing but I thought they actually looked good as it was, at least for the table top. I then painted the bases Army Painter Flat Brown and added a coloured brownish sand and some yellowy, dried out grass. A simple basing scheme but I think it captures the look of the Pelennor plains. I still need to base the other 15…

My camera work, or rather iPhone work, isn’t great but I think the best results were with the flash on? Let me know if you have any tips.

What do you think of my undead warriors?

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